Bashar al-Assad

Nikki Haley had said that Washington was preparing new sanctions over Russia's support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
And potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail, the former FBI director said.
“Could not have had a better result,” said President Donald Trump. “Mission Accomplished!”
A military response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons is unlikely to prevent more killing or diminish the influence of Russia and Iran.
As some 40,000 residents fled, Russian military police were deployed in the town.
Trump ordered military strikes on Syria in response to the attack.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers say the president must go through them before taking any military action.
President Trump says he’s considering a retaliatory attack on Syria, after dictator Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.
President Trump says he’s considering a retaliatory attack on Syria, after dictator Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons on his own people.
Several western countries including the U.S. denied any involvement.