Ben Carson

Especially on the GOP side, vague is good; ignorance is better.
We'll ask the questions around here, if you don't mind.
Biden gets a polling bump, even though he hasn't declared intentions to run. Hillary Clinton's favorable rating drops, but much of the decline was predictable. And polls show Republicans opting for outsider candidates. This is HuffPollster for Friday, September 4, 2015
Trump & Co. appeal to voters who want to turn the system upside down.
A different kind of poll finds support for Donald Trump could be overstated, but he still runs ahead. Pollsters are shaking their heads (and legs) over Trump's rise. And A decade after Katrina, polls continue to show a racial divide in opinions. This is HuffPollster for Friday, August 28, 2015.
The 2016 campaigns are paying pollsters, but not nearly as much as Donald Trump thinks. Costs for polling are likely to increase before courts resolve a lawsuit challenging FCC autodialer rules. And Fiorina, Carson and Kasich get a post-debate ratings boost. This is HuffPollster for Friday, August 21, 2015.