Ben Carson

The doctor and former presidential candidate says he's perfectly qualified to run the nation's housing programs.
The Human Rights Campaign is investing $26 million in supporting pro-equality candidates and "resisting the politics of hate."
The California representative denounced Trump's "unqualified, uncaring, inexperienced" Cabinet members.
Calling poverty a “state of mind” insults the millions of people who experience its harsh reality.
"So is hunger apparently. Let's Jedi Mind trick ourselves into eating a steak."
The neurosurgeon left out the uplifting power of a Yale scholarship.
If they get too comfy in assisted housing, he says, they won't ever want to leave.
Discussions revolved primarily on partnerships that will confront housing challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.
We’ve enjoyed 100 days of the President’s motley crew of cabinet members, advisers, strategists and, of course, Sean Spicer. Here are some of the highlights from his underlings.