Bill Cassidy

The infamous conspiracy theorist alternatively describes Kimmel as "cancer," "Grandma dying of a heart attack," "Grandpa with a brain tumor," and "failure."
President Trump claimed the Graham-Cassidy health care bill protects coverage of pre-existing conditions. It doesn’t.
No wonder nearly 70 percent of all Americans disapprove of Congress.
Jimmy Kimmel and Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) are at it again over health care policy.
Jimmy Kimmel and Sen. Bill Cassidy R-La. are at it again over health care policy.
The senator made more misleading claims about his Obamacare repeal bill after the comedian bashed him for a second night.
The president, praising the "great bill," claimed it protects coverage of preexisting conditions. It doesn't.
What will Susan Collins, John McCain and Lisa Murkowski do?
“Could it be, Sen. Cassidy, that the problem is that I do understand and you got caught with your G-O-Penis out?"
Groups representing doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, insurance companies and more are lined up against the GOP bill.