Bob Corker

It manages to turn off basically everyone, including congressional Republicans.
Senators found an array of faults, raising a challenge for Republican leaders trying to craft a cohesive message.
Senators say the Flynn scandal should be investigated. The House was a bit more dismissive.
Republicans are finding it much harder to craft health care reform replacement than it was to campaign on repeal.
"Obviously the communication was not there, interagency process was not there .... Chaos ensued."
Stumbling in the dark, Republican lawmakers look to Trump’s tweets for guidance.
"You’re taking $116 billion ... and just throwing it into a mud puddle by continuing subsidies without revenue," Sen. Bob Corker said.
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said the best option for the U.S. is to vigorously enforce the agreement.
“It’s an amazingly accessible group of people, it’s really beyond believable access,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said.