
“I have heard of the Peloton, and have concluded that, like the use of cocaine, it’s another way of God saying people have too much money,” his argument began.
The mayor is siding with BuzzFeed News staffers after the company's executives bailed on a negotiation meeting.
"It's about damn time," a letter from the organizing committee said.
The list includes McClatchy, AOL, HuffPost, Yahoo, BuzzFeed and Gannett.
Staff cuts at BuzzFeed, HuffPost, Gannett, Yahoo and AOL marked a horrible month for journalism.
"We have a president of the United States who lies .... serially, routinely, compulsively, such as never has happened in our modern history," he said.
Anthony Cormier said he has "solid" sources who say the president directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about a Trump Tower deal in Moscow.
It "reinforces every bad stereotype about the news media," said the legal analyst.
Cuomo warned Mueller's pushback on the outlet's scoop is a major dent in the media's reputation.