
Over 845,000 customers were reportedly without electricity statewide by Sunday evening.
It's the second atmospheric river to hit the state in just one week, bringing with it the threat of mudslides and flooding.
The Reparation Priority Bill Package does not include cash payouts to Black residents across the board.
The first of back-to-back atmospheric rivers is drenching California.
For 20 years, Peterson’s supporters — now including the Los Angeles Innocence Project — have relied on baseless claims and shaky witness accounts to try to prove he didn’t kill his wife and unborn son.
Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener introduced the bill as part of a transportation safety package on Thursday.
Rep. Katie Porter had an All-Star zinger to skewer the Republican LA Dodgers great who's vying for the U.S. Senate in California.
“We feel the frequency and severity of the crimes being encountered by our customers and associates leave us no alternative,” the company's chief operating officer said.
Liren Chen, 27, also a Google software engineer, was charged with murder in the violent attack on his wife, Xuanyi Yu.
Faculty members at the country's largest public university system say they're owed better pay, longer parental leave and other workplace improvements.