Chris Wallace

"I’m not talking about him, but yet he still wants to talk about the Sept. 29, 2020 debate," the Fox News host said.
Kids in Nebraska must be vaccinated against diseases such as chickenpox and measles, but Gov. Pete Ricketts has come out against mandating COVID-19 shots.
"We're in a world of hurt, and it’s a critical juncture to try to do everything we can to turn that around,” Dr. Francis Collins told Chris Wallace.
Trump "put himself in this bed, and he can sleep in it,” former federal judge Michael McConnell told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday."
"There's a lot of confusion in the Twitterverse about that," the Texas senator confessed.
The Fox News host asked Texas' Greg Abbott why he has been outspoken about Biden's handling of the issue but didn't complain when Trump was president.
Under Trump, $3 trillion was added to the national debt before the pandemic while tax revenue was slashed by $1.5 trillion, Wallace reminded the Republican.
“If there’s a natural disaster in South Carolina where the cops can’t protect my neighborhood, my house will be the last one that the gang will come to," he said.
Kudlow suddenly "seems to have found religion" preaching against debt and deficits after the Trump administration flooded the nation with an ocean of red ink.
The conservative West Virginia Democrat, a key swing vote in the Senate, appeared on four Sunday shows.