After Dr. Ben Carson told CNN’s Chris Cuomo this morning that he believes being gay is a “choice” because people “go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay,” Don Lemon decided to ask his panel of guests if they could choose to change their sexual identity in the same way.
John Coleman Denies Climate Change On CNN
"Not all" Republicans are racist, said Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) on Sunday, but "to a significant extent, the Republican base has elements that are animated by racism, and that's unfortunate."
CNN's commitment (obsession) to its coverage of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has taken an interesting turn.
Anderson Cooper can't stop laughing at Miss Peru's pageant costume in the Miss Universe contest.
CNN host Don Lemon got a big chunk of Twitter very mad at him on Tuesday after he endorsed New York's reviled stop and frisk policies.
CNN got the location of Hong Kong wrong on Monday. It aired a map that situated the city on the continent of South America:
John McCain: Mourdock must apologize