Colin Powell

Clinton has defended her use of private email in part by noting that Powell used it at the State Department as well.
He paid tribute to another fallen Muslim soldier, Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan.
“He may or may not endorse a candidate over the coming months."
The photograph features a mother hugging the tombstone of her Muslim-American son, a soldier.
"You know you're in trouble when Jerry Springer even thinks it’s over the top," said the former secretary of state.
The findings come after nearly a year of controversy over Hillary Clinton's decision to set up a private email server for her work as secretary of state.
Clearly, Powell's loyalty to George Bush extended to being willing to deceive the world: the United Nations, Americans, and the coalition troops about to be sent to kill and die in Iraq. He's never been held accountable for his actions, and it's extremely unlikely he ever will be.