
“This has been a revolutionary term,” said University of Texas Law Professor Tara Leigh Grove. “The court has massively changed constitutional law in really big ways,"
According to Trump’s former secretary of state, conservatives are a bigger threat to the U.S. than China.
The former secretary of state told Laura Ingraham conservatives are often a bigger threat to the U.S. than China.
A record number of books with racial or LGBTQ themes have been challenged.
Jen Psaki tore into a right-wing reporter over a bizarre question about a “secret memo.”
The increasing invocation of the "major questions doctrine" could imperil a wide swath of federal government regulatory actions.
The prolific author re-fashioned the irreverence and “Gonzo” journalism of the 1960s counterculture into a distinctive brand of conservative and libertarian commentary.
A grim year of judicial rulings awaits liberals on abortion, affirmative action, guns, the administrative state and more.