
The 48-year-old U.S. appeals court judge is a favorite of social conservatives to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Pro-Trump pundits are treating a mild political event like it's an attack against America.
Steven Carrillo is charged on multiple counts, including murder and attempted murder, after a violent rampage against law enforcement in California.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on Fox News to talk about why she called President Donald Trump a “weak leader.”
The congresswoman wasn't fazed by conservative pushback to her forthcoming appearance on the VH1 competition series.
During an interview on “Hannity,” President Donald Trump went after former President Barack Obama for an IRS audit scandal.
More and more, figures in the White House are bringing God into state business.
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made a last-ditch plea to members of Parliament to not block a no-deal Brexit.
Republican critics of the president say the numbers spell big trouble for his reelection bid.
They hate the Affordable Care Act, but they also want no part of this latest lawsuit.