Criminal Justice

Texas has executed an inmate convicted of killing three teenagers while they slept in a Texas Panhandle home more than 25 years ago.
The justice system doesn’t protect survivors. Instead, it retraumatizes and penalizes them for the violence they endured.
The former Theranos CEO was sentenced to more than 11 years after being found guilty of four counts of fraud.
The former public defender dissented with the court's decision not to take the case of a death row inmate who wasn’t given evidence during his trial.
A former undercover police officer left a note alleging that he assisted the NYPD and FBI in the murder of Malcolm X.
Detectives have handed prosecutors the results of their 19-month investigation into sex assault allegations against Marilyn Manson.
Some journalists and pundits offered snap assessments of last week’s election and all but declared reform movements dead — but the reality is much more complicated.
Three strikes reform in Washington state was supposed to give Thomas Butler a chance to leave prison, but prosecutors are fighting to keep him there for life.
Amy Weirich touts being tough on crime, but not when it comes to police.
If the recall of Chesa Boudin succeeds, it would mark a major setback for progressives who support his mission of criminal justice reform.