Immigration proponents wanting change under the Biden administration may have to accept “stepping stones” along the way.
The reforms signal a new and welcomed era for immigrants, who were among Trump’s favorite scapegoats and targets.
The move comes after a judge ordered DHS to accept new applicants for the Obama-era program that protects young immigrants, or "Dreamers," from deportation.
Trump has fought to end the Obama-era program that protects young immigrants, "Dreamers," from deportation. DHS must now accept new applicants.
A judge found that Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf assumed his position unlawfully.
For the first time in years, a majority of both Democrats and Republicans approve of the Supreme Court, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds.
The Supreme Court ruled against his administration's termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. But the president said he'd try again.
Late night comics got a lot of laughs from Trump’s dual defeats in the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration from ending DACA, keeping 650,000 young, undocumented immigrants safe from deportation.
The court temporarily saved deportation relief for Dreamers, but they could be at risk in the future without congressional action.