Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Progressives say to show a diversity commitment, the DCCC must end its effort to stymie primary races against House members.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee staff exodus followed concerns about hiring and a lack of diversity.
But Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers said she understands the DCCC’s concerns.
Marie Newman, an Illinois Democrat, picked up almost $45,000 online since Friday.
Even a former top party operative is bucking the establishment to help unseat conservative Rep. Dan Lipinski.
The move drew immediate criticism from progressive groups.
On a congressional campaign, saying "me too" can come with hidden costs.
Rep. Cheri Bustos’ leadership team at the DCCC is drawn exclusively from the business-friendly New Democrat Coalition.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has built an in-house digital advertising agency.
The Illinois congresswoman started a boot camp for training women and people of color to run for office. It's working.