Election Interference

President Trump's top intelligence officer, John Ratcliffe, abruptly halted in-person briefings to Congress despite evidence that Russia is trying to help Trump win reelection.
An Intelligence Committee letter raised concerns about meetings involving Bannon and security contractor Erik Prince, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Trump insists he's the last person Russia would want to see in the White House.
Jason Miller twice declined to say whether Trump is accepting or will accept foreign aid, calling the question "silly" before finally answering.
The Kremlin favored Trump in the 2016 election, the Senate Intelligence Committee affirmed in a new report.
“My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections," Sanders said on Friday after news surfaced of new Russian interference.
Democrats said they were "stunned" by the argument delivered by White House deputy counsel Patrick Philbin on the Senate floor.
"They have said very blatantly, very clearly, that they intend to be accomplices for misleading the American people, with money from God knows where."
As foreign governments continue to attack U.S. elections, state and local officials are becoming the primary defenders of American democracy.