
Kristallnacht, known as “the night of broken glass” occured 80 years ago throughout Germany and Austria.
She points to the Pittsburgh synagogue slaughter in a plea for citizens to “vote for unity.”
Cal State Long Beach is cutting ties with a symbol of the Gold Rush that was a nightmare for Native Americans.
The team compiled accounts of crimes including gang rape, the torching of hundreds of villages, enslavement and killings of children.
Only 41 percent of Americans knew what Auschwitz was — but that shouldn't come as a total shock.
President Macron says the attackers killed "innocent and vulnerable woman because she was Jewish, and in doing so profaned our sacred values and our history."
The country's government denies it's engaged in ethnic cleansing.
It's tough to believe so much weirdness was crammed into a single year.
In one month, thousands were burned, beaten, or shot to death, according to Doctors Without Borders.
But he left out a very important word.