
The former president said Democrats should ditch the “Jim Crow relic” to make Election Day a national holiday, end gerrymandering and revitalize the Voting Rights Act.
Due to racial gerrymandering and voter suppression, Black voters in the South have to jump through hoops to cast ballots and demand fair representation in their government.
Rep. George Holding said he won't seek reelection after a court-approved map made his North Carolina district heavily Democratic.
A three-judge panel said the districts were so gerrymandered toward Republicans that they violated the state's constitution.
Activists believe state courts may offer a way to rein in excessive gerrymandering.
A new program will train people in the basics of redistricting and why it matters to their everyday lives.
“It’s particularly rich that Republicans are claiming that the commission discriminates on the basis of partisan affiliation," one expert said.
So far, not a single question has been posed about gerrymandering or other key voting rights issues.
The racial gerrymandering case in Texas was seen as a test of the remaining power of the Voting Rights Act.
Kagan dissented strongly in the June 27 case and said Thursday she was writing for the future.