Homeland Security

U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey decided that he would release the men, subjecting them to supervision that includes GPS monitoring.
Prosecutors allege that two men had a vast array of firearms and surveillance equipment, and were known to their neighbors as DHS officers.
While the move offers temporary relief for tens of thousands of Afghans in the United States, advocates urge passage of a permanent legislative fix.
Immigrant rights groups applauded the temporary designation while calling out a racist double standard on which immigrants the U.S. swiftly gives such status to.
The cameras will be used during the test by 55 members of the SWAT-like special response teams at Homeland Security Investigations in Houston, Newark, New Jersey, and New York.
A Biden administration national security advisor made the remarks during a two-day trip after images of Haitian migrants went viral.
That's why it would be a "disaster" if Trump regained the White House, said newly retired DHS official Brian Murphy, who filed a whistleblower complaint.
Miles Taylor, who worked in Homeland Security under Donald Trump, fears the worst if Republicans retake the House of Representatives.
Adherents of the bizarre conspiracy theory may target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movement’s false prophecies don’t come true.
Trump created the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office by executive order during his first week in office.