House Committee On Oversight And Reform

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee say Barrack worked to modify a Trump speech in 2016 to make it more pro-Middle East.
The president's tweets targeting the House Oversight Committee head are the latest in a series of attacks on lawmakers of color.
Thomas Homan said he considered assaulting a lawmaker who questioned whether he was racist.
Tlaib said the administration is "dead set on sending a hate-filled message, that those seeking refuge are not welcome in America."
"I watched my baby girl die slowly and painfully just a few months before her second birthday,” Yazmin Juárez told a House subcommittee.
The freshman lawmaker says the House Oversight Committee wants a chat with the White House counselor.
The White House declines to let the Oversight Committee question Trump's adviser about alleged ethics violations. The next step could be a subpoena fight.
The House Oversight Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt.
In a House hearing on white supremacy, Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, testified about the death of her daughter during the 2017 Charlottesville protests.
Almost every dispute between Congress and the Trump administration ends in court.