House Oversight Committee

Former Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin told the House oversight committee earlier this year that Joe Biden wasn’t part of Hunter Biden's business.
The House oversight committee on Tuesday asked the State Department for records related to Joe Biden's role in Ukraine when he was vice president.
“We’re done with the cover-ups,” Republican Rep. Tim Burchett said.
Rep. Jasmine Crockett questioned payments that former President Donald Trump received from China during his first year in office.
Rep. Jared Moskowitz sent a scathing message to House Oversight Committee Republicans.
It turns out the man House Republicans have pushed as a whistleblower on Hunter Biden is facing federal charges of his own.
Comer, who leads a so-far fruitless House Oversight Committee investigation of the Biden family, had another embarrassing moment on Fox News.
The committee was set to initiate contempt proceedings Thursday against FBI Director Christopher Wray in a dispute over a form involving a tip about Biden.
The progressive Democrat was so done with right-wingers bringing up transgender issues at every turn, especially at a hearing about investments.
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) poked fun at the House Oversight Committee chair's revelation about the GOP's Biden family investigation.