
South Carolina teacher Kinsley Wentzky was charged with sexual battery after she allegedly brought her 17-year old student home with her to have sex on multiple occasions.
Music giants Jay-Z and Beyonce celebrate their daughter's, Blue Ivy, first birthday just in time to enjoy her $1 million nursery at the Barclays Center. Kira Tieman and Nathan Conrad join Ahmed to talk about it.
Kelly Clarkson is unfazed by the gay rumors that have followed her for years. In fact, the rumors have led to her getting hit on by some of "the hottest girls ever." Cyd Zeigler joins Josh to talk about this.
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Kenlie Tiggeman talks with HuffPost Live Host Nancy Redd about suing Southwest Airlines after being turned away from a flight for being 'too fat'.
Tia Mowry, actress and star of 'Tia and Tamera', talks with HuffPost Live host Nancy Redd about her sister Tamera's post-partum depression and their own baby blues.
Danny Licht, HuffPost blogger, and Abraham J. Peck, executive director of The Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, talk with HuffPost Live hosts Jacob Soboroff and Alyona Minkovski about celebrating christmas as a jew.
Jai Rodriguez, actor on ABC's 'Malibu Country' and part of the all-gay cast of 'Queer Eye For The Straight Guy' talks with HuffPost Live host Jacob Soboroff about gay marriage.
More than a dozen children went to elementary school this morning and were dead before lunch. White House spokesman Jay Carney says today is not the day to talk about gun control. I disagree. That's all we should talk about today. We are heartbroken, yes. But saying that will fix nothing. It won't bring anyone back, and it won't keep this from happening again. And of course we know the parents of Newtown could have been any one of us. That's important to remember, but it isn't enough, because the knowing doesn't change the fact that we could still be next. So we can't just do as we did after Columbine, after Virginia Tech, after Aurora. We can't just grieve and hold our children close. We have to demand that our country earn the right to call itself a civilized nation.
Jewels Bolden, founder of, talks to HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani about her experience of being cheated on by her husband.