Hurricane Florence

The EPA is monitoring Superfund sites in the event of flooding.
"Late Show" host's tune about the president won't make the White House playlist.
Confronted with Hurricane Florence, North Carolina prepares for a state of emergency.
You can't force anyone to flee. But disaster experts have advice on how to broach the conversation.
Damage from the worst storm surge ― likely in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia ― could run in the billions.
Puerto Rico raised the official Hurricane Maria death toll from 64 to 2,975 in late August.
Hurricane Florence, a Category 4 storm, is expected to hit North Carolina this week.
The storm could deliver a Harvey-like blast of rain and flooding to the East Coast.
The state's famous herd animals know how to take care of themselves, experts say.
Massive evacuations on the Eastern Seaboard have been ordered.