Iraq War

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton was a loud cheerleader for the 2003 invasion.
One of the most notorious advocates for the Iraq War is set to advise the president on U.S. foreign policy.
The monologues show a lot has changed since the U.S. invaded Iraq.
Fewer than a quarter think history will judge the Iraq War as even a partial success.
The 2020 presidential elections are a chance for Democrats to move forward.
Azzam Alwash helped bring the country's ancient marshlands back from the brink. But he says climate change and water politics are putting the region on edge.
It's hard to teach history that isn't quite history yet.
There's no proof the official code name for the war was ever "OIL."
The president, whose flip-flopping position on the Iraq War is well-documented, sarcastically referred to Bush as a "real genius."