Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Rather than blaming each other, we ought to accept responsibility for each other's fate. All of us as human beings are inextricably intertwined. Instead of blame, let's try a new game: act for peace, and encourage those on the ground in both Israel and Palestine who are doing so.
Simply open your mouth on Israel-Palestine, and you'll be labeled either a heartless Zionist or a Hamas terrorist. Both extreme labels are equally fruitless. If we cannot find a middle ground in dialogue, how can we expect Israel and Palestine to find a middle ground during war?
Are you "pro-Israel" or "pro-Palestine"? It isn't even noon yet as I write this, and I've already been accused of being both.
Gaza is not a particularly hard story to cover; it's happening all around you. The biggest problem for journalists is in fact that it is so obviously an unbalanced conflict.