John Bolton

Trump had only 41 "daily" intelligence briefings on his schedule during the first half of 2020 -- an average of just one and a half per week
Top officials were aware a year earlier than previously reported that Russia was secretly offering bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of Americans, according to Associated Press sources.
The former national security adviser was humiliated on CNN, Fox News and "The View" for not testifying during Trump's impeachment trial.
Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has been repeatedly grilled for refusing to testify in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and save his insights about the Trump administration for a lucrative book deal.
Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has been repeatedly grilled for refusing to testify in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and save his insights about the Trump administration for a lucrative book deal.
The crooner sings fake scenes from "The Room Where it Happened."
The "Late Show" host didn't pull any punches in his interview with Trump's former national security adviser.
The former national security adviser said he won’t vote for Joe Biden either, but rather write in a “conservative Republican.”
Chad Wolf said Trump's tweet that John Bolton "will have bombs dropped on him" was likely meant "from a humor standpoint.”
The book details the ineptitude and corruption of the Trump administration during Bolton's time as national security adviser.