
If it survives legal challenges, the legislation would bar companies from receiving state subsidies after voluntarily recognizing their workers’ union.
Insisting it was "not a radical idea," the progressive senator said that his legislation would "allow Americans to enjoy a better quality of life."
The "joint-employer" rule would make it easier for fast-food and other workers to organize — but employers are fighting it in court and Congress.
“Someone is going to die as a result of this legislation," said one outdoor worker.
The school is likely to challenge the players' status as employees, and a lengthy legal battle is likely to follow.
Progressive lawmakers in several states want to extend strikers a financial lifeline as they fight for better wages and benefits.
The union for hotel workers says the carpenters' pension fund should be pressuring the Hyatt Regency LAX to reach a deal.
The company has appealed a judge's order throwing out its claims and reprimanding attorneys for filing the lawsuit.
A lawyer for the union says the company is aligning itself with right-wing ideologues who want to destroy the regulatory state.
Workers had told HuffPost they believed the closure was meant to chill their union campaign.