Lawrence O'Donnell

The MSNBC host said this moment will define Trump "for hundreds of years."
The MSNBC host said Trump's co-defendants are losing sleep as they worry about who will flip next.
The MSNBC host said the former president is showing some unmistakable signs of fear.
"This was just a kind of rookie mistake to make," former organized crime prosecutor Andrew Weissmann said of a Trump lawyer's comments on live TV.
Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal had a blunt reality check for the former president.
Andrew Weissmann said the new recording makes the case against the former president "absolutely clear."
The MSNBC host said the former president suffered a defeat outside the courtroom, too.
Andrew Weissmann spotted a few lines that could be used in court against the former president.
O'Donnell said if convicted, an obstruction of justice charge could mean a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
The MSNBC anchor slammed the Ohio Republican as "rabid, right-wing, election-denying, relentless" and "Trump-echoing."