Lawrence O'Donnell

"The GOP is now the Santos party,” the MSNBC anchor said in a stinging commentary on the newly elected New York lawmaker's lies.
The astonishing image “tells us everything about Republican politics and Republican governance in America today,” said the MSNBC anchor.
The author and journalist gives new details on letters the North Korean dictator sent to woo Trump, calling them "very unsophisticated."
The MSNBC host says a key member of the former president's inner circle has answered questions under oath.
The former president proved his criminal intent "in front of thousands of witnesses," said the MSNBC anchor.
The former president's legal team “made the mistake of using a word that they have not used before," said "The Last Word” anchor.
Aileen Cannon "publicly applied" for the job by appointing a "special master" to review classified documents seized from Trump's home, the commentator said.
The MSNBC host blasted the Republican senator for warning of riots if Trump is indicted over classified documents.
The former president’s niece said Trump “could not possibly believe it was coming” when the FBI executed a search warrant at his Mar-a-Lago home.
“No one should waste their breath on the men in makeup at Fox when Rupert Murdoch is responsible for everything that they say and do," said the MSNBC anchor.