Measles Outbreak

The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. jumped by 75 within a single week.
A new law won't grant exemptions for the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine for personal or philosophical reasons.
The state has the highest kindergarten vaccine exemption rate in the country. Democrats want to change that.
The results come amid the worst measles outbreak in the country in 25 years.
Pennsylvania is the latest state to report a case to the CDC, bringing the number of states to 23.
Jens Spahn wants to crack down on those who don't protect their children and others against measles.
Curacao health officials were tasked with assessing more than 300 people on the Freewinds, where there was a confirmed measles case.
I'm still struck, 27 years later, that this disease could have easily killed me.
The vessel is underway after health officials provided vaccine to the ship.
Health officials in Orange County, California, are warning moviegoers who saw a midnight screening of “Avengers: Endgame” that they may have contracted measles from an infected audience member.