Meet the Press

The host of "Meet The Press" told Rolling Stone he's surprised by how willing Republicans are to spread lies and disinformation on behalf of Donald Trump.
"I think I win the election easier," he told NBC's Chuck Todd.
After the arrest of an alleged white-supremacist terrorist in the Coast Guard, Jeh Johnson said the shift away from domestic threats was "going in the wrong direction."
The acting White House chief of staff said the president is working really hard, regardless of what's on his schedule.
"You could wind up in sort of a theatric victory at the front end and then not get it done," Rubio said.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she was "chased around a desk" by a former colleague.
Todd responded to conservatives who argue "now is not the time to talk about gun violence."
"Hopefully everybody is looking in the mirror tonight.”
Might be nice to hear from someone who’s not a rich political celebrity for a change.