Michael Flynn

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser resigned after just 25 days on the job. Here’s how it happened.
The "Late Show" host was stunned by comments from disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
The former national security adviser also asserted his right against self-incrimination when asked if he thought the Capitol riot was justified.
The panel previously said it wanted to question Flynn about an Oval Office meeting where attendees reportedly discussed ways to overturn the election.
“The University of Rhode Island has the ... responsibility to sustain ... American democracy by inspiring and modeling good citizenship,” said the college president.
The retired Army general and adviser to former President Donald Trump was denied a restraining order against the Jan. 6 House committee.
The fracture in the QAnon movement has continued to widen after Kyle Rittenhouse called Wood "insane."
Mysterious elites may be plotting to release a new virus because "their little plan with COVID didn't work," the former national security adviser said.
The truly frightening issue, said the Watergate journalist, is that Flynn is exactly the kind of extremist authoritarian Donald Trump embraces.
Trump's former national security adviser called for the nation to have a single religion.