Migrant Caravan

"The Daily Show" host ripped the conservative network for repeatedly referring to the migrant caravan as "an invasion."
As the administration sends 5,200 troops to the border, the host painted GOP rhetoric as midterm election fearmongering.
“What about diseases? ... That’s part of the reason why America’s America. There’s a process,” host Brian Kilmeade said.
Migration from Central America soared over the past decade amid droughts and violence. Climate change will only exacerbate those.
Trump's demagoguery comes straight from the conservative movement.
The rap legend takes issue with Trump's reported plan to close the border to asylum-seekers.
The administration could soon suspend certain migrants' rights to seek asylum in the U.S., drawing from the same legal authority as Trump's previous travel ban.
The "Full Frontal" host ribbed the conservative network for trying "to do a journalism" in its coverage of the incidents.
A 75-year-old Republican woman in northern Minnesota fears that migrant gangs will take over summer lake homes.