Mike Pompeo

Trump’s new pick for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, is fiercely opposed to the accord.
Mike Pompeo, who was tapped to replace Rex Tillerson, could be the first secretary of state to reject climate science outright. Climate deniers have high hopes for him.
Donald Trump has fired his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. He’ll be replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
Gina Haspel was reportedly involved in the waterboarding of at least one terror suspect.
“But I am confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election."
Pompeo and Cotton are close ideological allies on foreign policy and can do untold damage to U.S. national security.
Pompeo has long been considered a replacement for Tillerson.
Harvard University has rescinded its invitation for Chelsea Manning to serve as a fellow after many interpreted the fellowship as an endorsement of her crimes.
Mike Pompeo is "baffled" the public prefers those who reveal crimes to those who commit them, Snowden says.