
No one knows exactly how many Rohingya men, women and children have perished after fleeing Myanmar.
The country's government denies it's engaged in ethnic cleansing.
Aid workers say the camps sheltering the new arrivals are completely inadequate.
Bill Richardson said the board "is likely to become a cheerleading squad for government policy."
"They will slaughter us all," one said.
The two nations struck a deal on Tuesday to complete the return of 650,000 Rohingya Muslims who fled an army crackdown last year in Myanmar.
“My objective, along with the chairman of the commission, is to get them out while we are there in Myanmar."
"Silencing the press is an abhorrent and an intolerable act of cowardice."
Before, we failed Syria’s minorities; now, we're failing Myanmar's.
The men face up to 14 years in jail if found guilty of violating the nation's Official Secrets Act.