Nancy Pelosi

She thinks there should be more than six, but the DNC isn't budging.
"Our fight to stop this bad deal, frankly, is just beginning," John Boehner says.
The U.S. is reportedly considering raising the number of refugees it accepts in fiscal year 2016 by 5,000.
"That's cute," says House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Ten members of Congress note that the U.S. intelligence community is confident that the deal is a good one.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi feels good about sustaining a presidential veto.
Congress will review the nuclear agreement over the next two months.
The current GOP rhetoric on immigration reform left House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) looking back fondly on the days of former President George W. Bush.
"Not all" Republicans are racist, said Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) on Sunday, but "to a significant extent, the Republican base has elements that are animated by racism, and that's unfortunate."
Vice President Joe Biden gave an impassioned defense of comprehensive immigration reform -- and the undocumented immigrants it would help -- during a speech on Thursday, saying it would boost the economy and improve foreign relations.