Natural Disasters

Recent flooding in Tennessee and North Carolina highlights the threat of extreme precipitation in a warming world.
Many of the missing live in the neighborhoods where the water rose the fastest, Humphreys County Sheriff Chris Davis said.
“The country is physically and mentally destroyed,” Prime Minister Ariel Henry said.
The Caribbean nation's Civil Protection Agency also raised the number of injured people to 9,900 after Saturday's 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
Survivors in some areas were forced to wait out in the open amid oppressive heat for help from overloaded hospitals.
Firefighters are strategically positioning resources and using new methods to keep small blazes from overwhelming emergency responders.
People were trapped in waist-high water on the subway and cars floated through the streets as severe floods tore through China’s Henan province.
Dozens are still missing as roiling waters swept away cars and destroyed homes.
Temperatures in the 110s and 120s are expected to grip Arizona, Nevada and western Colorado as the climate change-fueled heat wave continues.