
The Monday gathering in Virginia already has prompted the state's governor to enact emergency measures to thwart violence.
The 17-year-old is the youngest person to be convicted of planning a terror attack in the United Kingdom.
The video giant declined to remove an Atomwaffen Division video when it was first reported last week.
Jeffrey Clark pleaded guilty to a gun charge in July and served nearly 10 months in custody.
Another man was arrested for planning to attack a Memphis church. These are the latest potential mass shootings to be preempted by law enforcement.
Jeffrey Clark thought the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter was a "hero." A federal prosecutor said Clark was "a bomb" waiting to explode.
Last year was the fourth-deadliest in the nation for right-wing extremist violence, according to data from the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism.
Anglin was also ordered to pay more than $4 million to a Muslim-American radio host last month after his website falsely accused the man of terrorism.
It's "absolutely unacceptable" for Amazon to allow anti-Semitic books and T-shirts on its site, a leader from the Central Council of Jews in Germany stated.
Jeffrey Clark, who said the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims "deserved" it, has been in custody since his November arrest.