New Hampshire Primary

Four of seven polls conducted in the state in October show Clinton leading Sanders.
HuffPost spends a day on the bus with the sometimes prickly, always colorful presidential candidate.
HuffPost spends a day on the trail with the feisty New Jersey governor, who remains a master of the town hall format.
For the first time since August, polls show Clinton is moving ahead of Bernie Sanders in the Granite State.
The Democratic front-runners continue to duke it out in the Granite State.
"I literally could not breathe," recalled Bill McInturff.
"It's the smart and strong thing to do four months before the primary," these super-geniuses say.
The man battling with Donald Trump at the top of the GOP polls brings his eccentric and paranoid brand to the campaign trail.
Top protector of first-in-the-nation primary says the state will continue to vote first.
Bush's two rivals are on the rise in New Hampshire, courting the same voters he needs to win.