New Zealand

Demonstrations began when a convoy of trucks and cars drove to Wellington from around the nation, inspired by protests in Canada.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the "red" level wouldn't mean more lockdowns, but Kiwis should expect new restrictions for "some weeks" to come.
New Zealand and Australia each sent military transport planes that were carrying water containers, kits for temporary shelters and generators.
A towering ash cloud since Saturday’s eruption prevented earlier flights.
In many places around the world, plans for New Year’s Eve celebrations were muted or cancelled for the second year due to coronavirus infections.
It's believed the man was paid to get the shots by people trying to cheat the system.
“People aged 14 when the law comes into effect will never be able to legally purchase tobacco,” the country's associate health minister said.
Only 40 people have died in New Zealand since the coronavirus pandemic began.
The ceremonial dance has been used at anti-vaccine protests in New Zealand without permission.
Doug -- who got that name because he was "dug" up -- weighs 17 pounds, well above the current potato record of 11 pounds.