Nicolas Maduro

An expert discusses the significance of Venezuela's recent elections and Chavez's legacy.
After what was clearly a mid-term punishment vote, Sunday's defeat has not prompted a mea culpa from the government or promises of substantial reform.
It was the first time in 16 years the "Chavismo" movement lost its majority.
Years of tension might finally be coming to an end. Or maybe not.
U.S.-led interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya only helped fuel terrorism, he said.
“We recognize that in the person of Nicolás Maduro, the president of Venezuela, we have an exceptional leader,” said state Sen. Bill Perkins.
Meanwhile, the country is kicking out thousands of Colombians.
"Todo fue irregular. Hoy entendemos que Chávez sabía que iba a morir cuando ganó las últimas elecciones. Esa es probablemente la mayor irresponsabilidad de su vida. La segunda es, bajo alta medicación y en manos de cubanos, haber designado a Maduro, un tipo tan mediocre, como su heredero. Nunca pensé en ese final para Chávez".