Nobel Peace Prize

Trump is a peacemaker who deserves the honor for a deal to establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, said Christian Tybring-Gjedde.
In nominating her, two Swedish lawmakers said the 17-year-old “has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to the climate crisis.”
But the then-Democratic senator from Delaware was skeptical it would be a short war, and he wanted the president to level with the public.
The Norwegian Nobel Institute also praised the “important reforms” that Ethiopia’s prime minister has launched at home.
“They gave one to Obama immediately upon his ascent to the presidency, and he had no idea why he got it," the president said Monday.
Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad told Trump how terrorists kidnapped her and killed her mother and brothers. He replied: “Where are they now?”
The Swedish high school student has sparked a worldwide movement against global warming.
The U.S. government "informally" asked for the Trump nomination last year, according to Japan's Asahi newspaper.
The president was also nominated in 2017 and 2018, but officials determined that both nominations were forged.
“We should have gotten the Emmy for ‘The Apprentice,’ you know?”