Wikileaks has previously released similar reports of U.S. spying on Germany, France and Brazil.
Yet again, someone comes unprepared for a fight against the Massachusetts senator.
The race to own your genes and health data is heating up.
Not even U.S. Senators apparently are exempt from a little eye rolling.
Edward Snowden recalled his own experience on Sept. 11, 2001, to express his understanding of terrorism in an interview Wednesday with NBC News' Brian Williams.
In an interview with NBC News' Brian Williams, Edward Snowden stood by his technical expertise and training, brushing off critics who have dismissed him as a hacker.
Few people have direct contact with outfits like Booz Allen Hamilton or Lockheed Martin. But every day, Amazon is depending on millions of customers to go online and buy products from its sites. As more people learn about its CIA ties, Amazon could -- and should -- suffer the consequences.
Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton spoke out against former government contractor Edward Snowden for leaking classified details on the National Security Agency's controversial surveillance practices, suggesting Snowden should "swing from a tall oak tree" as punishment.