Oval Office

Rep. Justin Amash has announced he’s running for president as a Libertarian.
Weeks after Jared Kushner was appointed to the coronavirus task force, the president’s son-in-law is nowhere to be seen.
As some states reopen, the White House wants Trump to pivot away from coronavirus health issues and instead focus on the economy.
A new NBC News report says President Donald Trump is tired of being stuck in the White House during the coronavirus pandemic and wants to get away.
A new NBC News report says President Donald Trump is tired of being stuck in the White House during the coronavirus pandemic and wants to get away.
"The Daily Show" host said the president's Oval Office speech was about as calming as "fireworks dropped in a bag of cocaine."
The video montage showed Trump's marked change in tone for his Oval Office address. But how long will it last?
In an Oval Office address, President Donald Trump laid out an unconvincing plan to fight the spread of the coronavirus.
And "mayest all quid pro quos be thine," scoffed Kellyanne Conway's husband in response to a prayer circle in the White House.
President Donald Trump delivered an angry rant in the Oval Office while discussing the impeachment inquiry. In addition to wanting the identity of the whistleblower, Trump also said any White House official who relayed information to the whistleblower is essentially a “spy,” and said House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) should be charged with treason.