Politics and National Security

Presidential candidates talking about terrorism probably should be able to identify some actual terrorists.
An early draft of his article explicitly suggested the killing of law professors.
Obama created an elite interrogation group. No one knows if it's working.
"There is this profound dissonance between what the administration is saying about its desire to close Guantanamo and what is it actually doing."
The two presidential candidates went at it during the first GOP debate.
The stunt by Florida mailman Douglas Hughes showed the need for improved information-sharing and air security technology, the report from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said.
"Until the cost of data comes down, there needs to be some sort of solution that bridges the cost gap."
James Holzer's public record on FOIA is cause for concern.
A gang threatened to kill Celina Gutiérrez Cruz's daughter. Fleeing for their lives and suffering from PTSD, they're now stuck in a Texas family detention center.