
Adult websites are now required to verify the ages of their users in the state.
One parent reportedly called the masterpiece "pornographic."
It's a conversation most parents would rather avoid, but with a majority of kids seeing pornography online by age 13, it's our responsibility to prepare them to navigate a world where porn is so easily accessible.
The actor got an important lesson for his 74th birthday on how "likes" work on social media.
Pornhub's Year in Review revealed the site’s searches are getting a lot more queer — but is it about liberation or fetishization?
The Republican Missouri senator hammered home his WTF message to Tucker Carlson on Fox News.
Kitna, the son of former NFL QB Jon Kitna, could face up to 15 years in prison.
In 'Love Not Given Lightly,' journalist and advocate Tina Horn writes about those she encountered through her decade in sexual counter-cultures, from kinky fetishists, to rent boys, and friendships. She joins HuffPost Live to discuss.
He also offered some advice on how to break the habit "so you will not have temptation in hand."
Menstrual discs, a good old fashioned towel, special panties and more can make intimacy while menstruating less messy and more fun.