Puerto Rico

In an 8-1 decision, the court rejected an appeal from Puerto Rico residents seeking equal access to government benefits as American citizens.
One of the largest power outages on the island since Hurricane Maria has left nearly 1 million households without electricity going on two days now.
The government completed the largest public debt restructuring in U.S. history Tuesday after announcing nearly seven years ago that it was unable to pay.
Residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories have been denied equal rights, including the right to vote, because they were considered “uncivilized race[s].”
These U.S. travel destinations can offer a welcome escape from plummeting temperatures.
JosĂ© Ángel HernĂĄndez, better known as “Flow La Movie,” produced songs such as “Te BotĂ©" for artists Bad Bunny and Ozuna.
Beaches are supposed to be open to all. But as privatization sweeps the debt-smothered territory, treasured shorelines face new threats.
The 31-year-old journalist helps her audience make sense of the impact of colonization, history and climate change on Puerto Rico.
Among the dead and missing are photographer Graciela Cattarossi, her young daughter and many others. Read about them here.
The Brooklyn-based mental health advocate is creating space on Instagram to honor the spirit of radical resistance and the collective healing of her Afro-Puerto Rican ancestors.