Rand Paul

Behind the scenes, a debate is raging between moderates and hard-liners about whether to call witnesses in the upcoming trial.
Michael Steele explained why they aren't "losing any points."
At a rally in Kentucky, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went after the media and demanded they name the whistleblower.
Some Republicans have been closing ranks around the president as Democrats ramp up the impeachment inquiry.
"She might come back and appreciate America more," the Republican senator said.
First responders and 9/11 survivors, with Jon Stewart's fierce support, had to repeatedly return to Congress to push the measure.
Congress finally acted after months of emotional lobbying by first responders and victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
Jon Stewart Blasts Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) On 9/11 Victim Compensation Bill
The comedian, along with 9/11 first responder John Feal, accused the Republican senator of "fiscal responsibility virtue signaling."
The proposed legislation, which comedian Jon Stewart has passionately lobbied for, would ensure the fund never runs out of money.