Republican National Convention

The "View" co-host said the president's communication style is actually "cruelty and indecency."
“I know his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered.” During her speech at the GOP convention, Ivanka Trump recognized that her father isn’t so kind.
Two convention attendees and two individuals supporting the event, which ended Thursday, have tested positive for the coronavirus so far.
Daniel Dale told CNN's Anderson Cooper the president "serially lied" in his hourlong GOP convention speech.
Republicans repeatedly spoke of the virus in the past tense and gathered maskless on the White House lawn as COVID-19 continued to ravage the nation.
Despite the ongoing pandemic, President Donald Trump gave a speech at a largely mask-free, in-person event at the Republican National Convention.
"It's as if he thinks Joe Biden is president now and we have to save the country from Joe Biden," the president's niece said.
The normally clean comic even dropped a few F-bombs.
Trump-supporting sisters claimed the scene is a "taste of Biden's America" -- except it occurred in Barcelona.
One simply cannot wear a green screen dress and not expect to be green-screened.