Richard Nixon

“Somewhere, Richard Nixon is smiling," Andrew Napolitano wrote about Trump's acquittal.
The last time Republicans did this, in 1974, they voted in a committee to protect Nixon just before the release of the Watergate tapes. It didn't end well for them.
The presidency would essentially become all-powerful, Democrats said, if Congress doesn't remove Trump.
“It’s of that vernacular,” said Richard Nixon’s former White House counsel. “It’s not legally sophisticated. It obviously plays to the base.”
The Russian leader has "undermined" U.S. goals in the Middle East and Latin America and supports Venezuela's "horrific regime," noted Timothy Naftali.
Ailes worked on a “Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News” as a Nixon campaign consultant in 1970, but little came of it until 1996, when he founded Fox News.
David Gergen warned an "embittered" president will now focus on "getting even."
The new spot is set to air in D.C. on "Fox & Friends," one of the president's favorite shows.
Yet today’s House Republicans are not likely to break with Trump in impeachment votes.
Nixon used his campaign money to pay for a burglary to cheat, while Trump, according to testimony, used $391 million in congressionally approved military aid.